path: root/tears.cgi
diff options
authorbie <>2017-06-02 08:24:12 +0000
committerbie <>2017-06-02 08:24:12 +0000
commit3a7cdeb20edf7c57cfec9ec7f68e0277240a3fb7 (patch)
tree1ef690da43ef5f6161e65f6916a5f6fe203e5d03 /tears.cgi
parent61d54a847fe5dd79c945820bba5d42b8e357b4d3 (diff)
pusse pusse
Diffstat (limited to 'tears.cgi')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/tears.cgi b/tears.cgi
index ebf246f..d96cffd 100755
--- a/tears.cgi
+++ b/tears.cgi
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
-path=$(pdecode <<<"${PATH_INFO#/}")
+path=$(/opt/bin/pdecode <<<"${PATH_INFO#/}")
error() {
echo -e "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ error() {
irc() {
- /opt/bin/birk -c radionova "$1"
+ echo >/dev/null
+ #/opt/bin/birk -c radionova "$1"
byline() {
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ byline() {
info() {
- stat -c '%n: %U %G %a %Y' $1
+ stat -c '%n: %U %G %A %Y' $1
link() {
@@ -31,7 +32,9 @@ link() {
local clean="/${raw%/}"
local rawt="$BASE/$2"
local cleant="/${rawt%/}"
- [ $cleant = $clean ] && echo "$1" || echo "<a href='$BASE/$2'>$1</a>"
+ local target=""
+ [ -n "$3" ] && target=" target='$3'"
+ [ $cleant = $clean ] && echo "$1" || echo "<a$target href='$BASE/$2'>$1</a>"
qlink() {
@@ -40,9 +43,11 @@ qlink() {
redirect() {
- echo -e "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"
- echo -e "Location: https://$HOST$1\n"
+ echo -ne "Location: https://$HOST$1\r\n"
+ echo -ne "Status: 302\r\n"
+ echo -ne "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n"
echo "٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶>"
+ exit
stikkordsøk() {
@@ -63,33 +68,33 @@ kalender() {
if [ -z "$y" ]; then
for directory in $(cut -d / -f $((n + 2)) | sort | uniq); do
year=$(basename $directory)
- qlink "$year" "$action/$path" "dato=$year" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
+ qlink "$year" "$action/$args" "dato=$year" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
elif [ -z "$m" ]; then
echo "<b>"
- qlink "$y" "$action/$path" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
+ qlink "$y" "$action/$args" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
echo "</b><br>"
for directory in $(cut -d / -f $((n + 3)) | sort | uniq); do
month=$(basename $directory)
- qlink "$month" "$action/$path" "dato=$y-$month" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
+ qlink "$month" "$action/$args" "dato=$y-$month" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
elif [ -z "$d" ]; then
echo "<b>"
- qlink "$y" "$action/$path" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
+ qlink "$y" "$action/$args" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
echo "/"
- qlink "$m" "$action/$path" "dato=$y" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
+ qlink "$m" "$action/$args" "dato=$y" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
echo "</b><br>"
for directory in $(cut -d / -f $((n + 4)) | sort | uniq); do
day=$(basename $directory)
- qlink "$day" "$action/$path" "dato=$y-$m-$day" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
+ qlink "$day" "$action/$args" "dato=$y-$m-$day" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
echo "<b>"
- qlink "$y" "$action/$path" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
+ qlink "$y" "$action/$args" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
echo "/"
- qlink "$m" "$action/$path" "dato=$y" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
+ qlink "$m" "$action/$args" "dato=$y" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
echo "/"
- qlink "$d" "$action/$path" "dato=$y-$m" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
+ qlink "$d" "$action/$args" "dato=$y-$m" "stikkord=$GET_stikkord"
echo "</b><br>"
@@ -121,12 +126,17 @@ liste() {
n=$((${GET_n:-0} + 7))
$finder -printf '%h\t%TT\t%f\n' | sort -r | head -$n | tail -7 | while read
+ ok=1
d=$(cut -f 1 <<<"$REPLY")
f=$(cut -f 3 <<<"$REPLY")
kort $d/$f
- echo "<hr><p>"
- qlink "eldre artikler…" "$action/$path" "dato=$GET_dato" "n=$n"
+ if [ -z "$ok" ]; then
+ echo "<p><b>Ingen artikler</b>"
+ else
+ echo "<hr><p>"
+ qlink "eldre artikler…" "$action/$args" "dato=$GET_dato" "n=$n"
+ fi
stikkord() {
@@ -143,7 +153,8 @@ stikk() {
find -L stikkord -samefile "$1" -delete
for ord in $2; do
local path="stikkord/$ord/${1#artikler/}"
- mkdir -p "$(dirname $path)"
+ umask 000
+ mkdir -p -m 777 "$(dirname $path)"
ln -s "../../../../../$1" "$path"
@@ -155,7 +166,11 @@ skjema() {
lupin -f <$1
echo "<p><label>Stikkord:</label>"
echo "<input type='text' name='stikkord' value='$(stikkord $1)'>"
- echo "<p><input type='submit' value='Lagre'>"
+ echo "<p>"
+ echo "<input type='submit' value='Lagre'>"
+ echo "<input name=delete type='submit' value='Slett'>"
+ echo "<input name=publish type='submit' value='Publiser'>"
+ [ -r "$1" ] && link "Vis" $(/opt/bin/pencode / <<<"vis/$1") preview
echo "</form>"
echo "<p><b>$(info $1)</b>"
@@ -167,13 +182,18 @@ vis() {
lagre() {
- path=$(date +%Y/%m/%d -d $POST_publisert)
+ path=$(tr '-' '/' <<< $POST_publisert)
slug=$(sed -e 's|[ /]|-|g' -e 's|[?:]||g' <<<$POST_title)
[ -z "$slug" ] && error "Ugyldig overskrift"
[ -f "artikler/$path/$slug.txt" ] && error "Artikkelen finnes allerede"
- mkdir -m 777 -p "artikler/$path"
- [ -z "$POST_privat" ] && umask 0002
+ umask 0000
+ mkdir -p "artikler/$path"
lupin -l -e >"artikler/$path/$slug.txt"
+ if [ -z "$POST_privat" ]; then
+ chmod 660 "artikler/$path/$slug.txt"
+ else
+ chmod 640 "artikler/$path/$slug.txt"
+ fi
chgrp $POST_gruppe "artikler/$path/$slug.txt"
irc "$(whoami) skriver ny artikkel: $POST_title"
redirect "$BASE/rediger/artikler/$path/$slug.txt"
@@ -182,34 +202,48 @@ lagre() {
oppdater() {
[ ! -f "$1" ] && error "finner ikke $1"
[ ! -w "$1" ] && error "ikke skrivetilgang til $1"
+ if [[ -n "$POST_delete" ]]; then
+ rm "$1"
+ redirect "$BASE"
+ fi
[ -z "$POST_title" ] && error "ingen overskrift"
[ -z "$POST_stikkord" ] && error "ingen stikkord"
stikk "$1" "$POST_stikkord"
lupin -l -e >$1
irc "$(whoami) redigerte $POST_title"
- redirect "$BASE/rediger/$path"
+ [ -n "$POST_publish" ] && chmod o+r "$1"
+ pushd /home/bie/maker >/dev/null; sudo -uwww ./maker; popd >/dev/null
+ redirect "$BASE/rediger/$1"
kort() {
IFS=/. read -r type y m d hhmm slug ext <<< "$1"
lupin -t -h <$1
echo "<p class='x'>$(byline $1), $y/$m/$d"
- [ -r "$1" ] && echo "·" && link "vis" $(pencode / <<<"vis/$1")
- [ -w "$1" ] && echo "·" && link "rediger" $(pencode / <<<"rediger/$1")
+ [ -r "$1" ] && echo "·" && link "vis" $(/opt/bin/pencode / <<<"vis/$1")
+ [ -w "$1" ] && echo "·" && link "rediger" $(/opt/bin/pencode / <<<"rediger/$1")
lupin -s -h <$1
+velkommen() {
+ echo "<blockquote><p>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.<p>Time to die.</blockquote>"
forbered() {
- echo "<form method=post action='$BASE/lagre/$path'>"
+ echo "<h2>skriv en artikkel…</h2>"
+ echo "<form method=post action='$BASE/lagre'>"
echo "<p><label>Overskrift:</label>"
echo "<input type=text name=title size=24>"
echo "<p><label>Dato:</label>"
echo "<input type=date name=publisert value=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) size=10>"
echo "<p><label>*</label>"
echo "<select name='type'>"
- for type in lupin/*; do
+ for type in lupin/*.lua; do
id=$(basename $type .lua)
- echo "<option value='$id'>$(sed 's|.|\U&|' <<<$id)</option>"
+ echo "<option value='$id'>$id</option>"
echo "</select>"
echo "for"
@@ -229,7 +263,12 @@ umask 0022
groups=$(groups | tr " " "\n" | sort)
available=$(comm -12 - <(ls redaksjoner | sort) <<<"$groups")
-action=$(basename $SCRIPT_FILENAME)
+if [[ "$action" =~ "/" ]]; then
+ args=${action#*/}
+ action=${action%%/*}
if [[ "$action" == rediger && $path == stikkord/* ]]; then
redirect "$BASE/rediger/artikler/${path#stikkord/*/}"
@@ -237,18 +276,19 @@ mappe="artikler"
[ -n "$GET_stikkord" ] && mappe="stikkord/$GET_stikkord"
kilde="$mappe/$(sed 's|-|/|g' <<<$GET_dato)"
finder="find -L $kilde -type f"
-[ "$action" = gruppe ] && finder="$finder -group $path"
+[ "$action" = gruppe ] && finder="$finder -group $args"
[ "$action" = ditt ] && finder="$finder -user $REMOTE_USER"
[ "$REQUEST_METHOD" = GET ] && $finder | meny
case $action in
+ "") velkommen;;
index.html|ditt|gruppe) liste;;
skriv) forbered;;
- rediger) skjema $path;;
- vis) vis $path;;
+ rediger) skjema $args;;
+ vis) vis $args;;
lagre) lagre;;
- oppdater) oppdater $path;;
- teatime) irc "$(whoami) <3 teatime"; echo "<p><img src=''><br>";;
- spökvåningen) echo "<p><img src=''>";;
+ oppdater) oppdater $args;;
+ teatime) irc "$(whoami) <3 teatime"; echo "<p><img class='teatime' src=''><br>";;
+ spökvåningen) echo "<p><img src=''>";;
todo) echo "<pre>$(cat TODO)</pre>";;