posix = require 'posix' json = require 'json' http = require 'lcurl' require 'tokyocabinet' require 'corz' CACHE = "/home/bie/tmp.db" cache = tokyocabinet.bdbnew() function oembed(endpoint, id) cache:open(CACHE, cache.OWRITER + cache.OREADER) local url = endpoint .. id local cached = cache:get(id) if cached then local data = json.decode(cached) cache:close() return data.html end local body = "" local result = http.easy{url=url, writefunction=function(s) body = body .. s end}:perform() if result:getinfo(http.INFO_RESPONSE_CODE) == 200 then cache:put(id, body) cache:close() local data = json.decode(body) return data.html else return ("Klarte ikke embedde %s :("):format(url) end end function twitter(id) return oembed("https://publish.twitter.com/oembed?url=", id) end function youtube(id) return oembed("http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=", id) end function soundcloud(id) return oembed("https://soundcloud.com/oembed?format=json&url=", id) end function vimeo(id) return oembed("https://developer.vimeo.com/apis/oembed.json?url=", id) end function twitch(id) return oembed("https://api.twitch.tv/v4/oembed?url=", id) end function instagram(id) return oembed("https://api.instagram.com/oembed?url=", id) end function flickr(id) return oembed("https://www.flickr.com/services/oembed?url=", id) end function facebook(id) return oembed("https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video/oembed.json?url=", id) end local function printf(...) io.write(string.format(...)) end local function setfenv(fn, env) local i = 1 while true do local name = debug.getupvalue(fn, i) if name == "_ENV" then debug.upvaluejoin(fn, i, (function() return env end), 1) break elseif not name then break end i = i + 1 end return fn end local html = {} function html.print(...) printf(...) end function html.tag(tag, options) options = options or {} local text = options.text; options.text = nil printf("<%s", tag) for k, v in pairs(options) do if v and v ~= "" then printf(" %s='%s'", k, v) else printf(" %s", k) end end printf(">") if text then printf(text or "") printf("", tag) end printf("\n") end function html.dl(facts) if #facts < 1 then return end printf("
") for i,v in ipairs(facts) do local term, fact = v:match("^(.-)%s*:%s*(.-)$") html.tag("dt", { text=term }) html.tag("dd", { text=fact }) end printf("
") end function html.label(options) options.text = options.text or error("no text") html.tag("label", options) end function html.orz(options) if options.inline then html.tag("a", { class = 'orz', text = 'orz'}) return end local n = options.name or "orz" local v = options.value or "//:0" local uri = options.uri or "/orz/" html.tag('img', { class='orz', ['data-name']=n, src=v, ['data-uri']=uri}) html.tag('input', { name=n, value=v, type='hidden'}) html.tag('a', { class='orz', ['data-name']=n, ['data-uri']=uri, text='orz'}) end function html.infobox(options) html.print("") end function html.date(options) local n = options.name or "date" local s = options.size or 10 local v = options.value or "" html.tag('input', { type='date', name=n, size=s, value=v}) end function html.text(options) local n = options.name or "text" local s = options.size or 18 local v = options.value or "" html.tag("input", { type='text', name=n, size=s, value=v}) end function html.hidden(options) local n = options.name or "hidden" local v = options.value or "" html.tag('input', { type='hidden', name=n, value=v}) end function html.textarea(options) local n = options.name or "textarea" local v = (options.value or ""):gsub("[\n]$", "") local cols = options.cols or 72 local rows = options.rows or 12 html.tag('textarea', { name=n, cols=cols, rows=rows, text=v}) end function html.select(k, options, selected) local p = "" printf("") end function html.submit(value) printf("", value) end function html.img(options) html.tag('img', { src=options.src, alt=options.alt}) end function html.p(options) html.tag("p", options) end function html.h1(...) printf("


", ... or '') end function html.h2(...) printf("


", ... or '') end function html.h3(...) printf("


", ... or '') end function html.marxup(raw) corz.marxup(raw, io.output()) end help = { html = html, os = os, posix = posix, pairs = pairs, ipairs = ipairs } lupin = {} lupin.blueprints = {} lupin.blueprints.default = { pure = function(body, data) print(data.title) if data.type ~= "default" then printf("# type: %s\n", data.type) end data.title = nil data.type = nil print(body) for key, value in pairs(data) do if key == "info" then local term for i,v in ipairs(data.info) do if i % 2 == 1 then term = v else if #data.info >= i then print(("# info: %s: %s"):format(term, v)) end end end else print(("# %s: %s"):format(key, value)) end end end, form = function(body, data) help.form.text('overskrift', data.title) end, html = function(body, data) if data.mode == "title" then printf("


", data.title) return elseif data.mode == "full" then printf("


", data.title) end corz.marxup(body, io.output()) if not next(data) then return end print("
") for key, value in pairs(data) do printf("
", key, value) end print("
") end } function help.blueprint(id) return setmetatable({ id = id }, { __index = lupin.blueprints.default }) end function lupin.loadblueprints(path) local blueprints = posix.glob(path .. "/*.lua") if blueprints then for i, file in pairs(blueprints) do local chunk = loadfile(file) setfenv(chunk, help) local blueprint = chunk() lupin.blueprints[blueprint.id] = blueprint end end end function lupin.transform(path, format, env, mode) if path ~= "-" then io.input(path) end local raw, data = "", {} data.info = {} if env then data.type = os.getenv("POST_type") or "default" data.title = os.getenv("POST_title") or "default" raw = os.getenv("POST_text") or "" raw = raw:gsub("\r\n", "\n") raw = raw:gsub("[\n]+$", "") raw = raw:match("(.-)%s*$") if lupin.blueprints[data.type] and lupin.blueprints[data.type].env then lupin.blueprints[data.type].env(data) end if os.getenv("POST_info") then for line in os.getenv("POST_info"):gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do table.insert(data.info, line) end end else for line in io.lines() do if line:match("^#") then local key, value = line:match("^#%s*(.-):%s*(.+)") if key and value and key == "info" then table.insert(data.info, value) elseif key and value then data[key] = value end else if not data.title then data.title = line else line = line:gsub("[\r\n]*", "") raw = raw .. line .. "\n" end end end data.type = data.type or "default" end data.mode = mode if data.mode == "short" then raw = data.lead or raw:match("[^\r\n]+") end if path ~= "-" then local stat = posix.stat(path) local pwd = posix.getpasswd(stat.uid) data.author = pwd.name data.group = posix.getgroup(stat.gid).name -- if data.published then -- data.date = os.date("%A %d. %B %Y, kl. %H.%M", data.published) -- else -- local root = "/srv/www/happiest.place/tears/artikler" -- y, m, d = file:match(root .. "/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)") -- data.date = ("%s/%s/%s"):format(y, m, d) -- end -- if posix.stat(pwd.dir .. "/portrait.jpg") then if posix.stat(("/srv/www/users/%s.jpg"):format(data.author)) then data.portrait = ("/users/%s.jpg"):format(data.author) end if posix.stat(pwd.dir .. "/.name") then data.author = io.open(pwd.dir .. "/.name"):read("*l") end end if format == "later" then data.raw = raw local info = data.info data.info = {} for i,v in ipairs(info) do local term, fact = v:match("^(.-)%s*:%s*(.-)$") table.insert(data.info, { term = term, fact = fact }) end data.text = function() local f = io.tmpfile() corz.marxup(data.raw, f) f:seek("set") local result = f:read("*a") result = result:gsub("$%s*twitter:%s*(.-)\n", twitter) result = result:gsub("$%s*youtube:%s*(.-)\n", youtube) result = result:gsub("$%s*soundcloud:%s*(.-)\n", soundcloud) result = result:gsub("$%s*twitch:%s*(.-)\n", twitch) result = result:gsub("$%s*vimeo:%s*(.-)\n", vimeo) result = result:gsub("$%s*instagram:%s*(.-)\n", instagram) result = result:gsub("$%s*flickr:%s*(.-)\n", flickr) result = result:gsub("$%s*facebook:%s*(.-)\n", facebook) return result end return data end lupin.blueprints[data.type][format](raw, data) end